Bulletin 2024/03/10

Belle Chasse United Methodist Church 8375 Hwy. 23 

Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037-2648

Rev. JoAnne Pounds, Pastor 504.394.1976      

9:00 AM Worship Service 

March 10, 2024 


TODAY:  Adult Sunday School, @ 10 am, F/Hall   

(Nursery open in F/Hall as needed) 

Sunday Worship Services:  3/17, 3/24, 3/31(Easter) @ 9am

Worship Service

4th Sunday in Lent

March 10, 2024

Special Sunday Offering — UMCOR

(As we prepare for worship, please turn all cell phones to silence) 

Welcome and Announcements — Rev. JoAnne Pounds, Pastor 

Prelude – Elaine Dishman, Musician 

Lighting of Candles                                                        

*Call to Worship: Bonnie Ames, Liturgist        

Leader:  Today as we gather for worship and every day—we are embraced by the grace of God.

People:  Grace is God’s unmerited favor, on which our faith is founded. 

Leader:  The prevenient grace that goes before us teaches us that: 

Peoplewe love because God first loved us. 

Leader:  The justifying grace that offers forgiveness through the free gift of Jesus Christ teaches us that: 

Peoplethere is nothing we can do to earn God’s love and grace. 

Leader:  The sanctifying grace of God that sets us apart 

People:   invites us to be transformed and shaped by God to live lives of love. 

Leader:   God’s gracious gift of salvation is not a static one-time event in our lives, but an ongoing experience empowered by the Holy Spirit.  

All:   Holy Spirit, inspire instruct, and empower us this day.  Amen.  

*Apostle’s Creed: Bonnie Ames, Liturgist                                    

 I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.                                                        *Universal                                                            

*Opening Hymn: Amazing Grace UWH 378 (Vs. 1-3, 6) 

Children’s Message:  Lent in a Box-Week 4”   Rev. JoAnne Pounds 

Children’s Mission Offering: “Pennies from Heaven”  (Newest Total)         Since May 2003, the children’s total collection for this mission is $33,562.85 as of 10/04/2023. This mission benefits the United Methodist Children’s Home of S.E. Louisiana (Loranger, LA); Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home (Ruston, LA); United Methodist MacDonell Children’s Home (Houma, LA); and G.R.A.C.E. Camp, a United Methodist Camp for children who have incarcerated parent(s). 

Offertory Prayer – Rev. Pounds  

Presentation of Our Tithes and Offerings – Ushers 

*Doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow;   

Praise God all creatures here below; 

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; 

Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen. 

Call to Prayer – Joys, Celebrations and Concerns          

Pastoral Prayer – Rev. Pounds 

The Lord’s Prayer – Congregation 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thou kingdom come. Thou will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen. 

Prayer Hymn: Jesus, United By Thy Grace” UMH   561 (Vs. 1) 

Gospel Reading: John 1:14-18 Rev. Pounds 

Epistle Reading: 1 John 1:5-2:2                                        

Message: “Foundations of our Faith: Grace” Rev. Pounds 

*Lenten Prayer of Confession:  God of mercy, whose Son Jesus Christ longs to gather us all in the wide embrace of grace, we confess that we have been wayward children.  We have disobeyed Your commands and not listened to Your call. …Our hearts have been cold, and it has shown in our thoughts, words, and deeds. In Your great mercy receive us again as Your beloved children.  Embrace us once again with the power of Your grace. Amen. 

*Assurance of Pardon 

*Closing Hymn: Grace Greater than Our Sin” UMH 365

*Benediction – Rev. Pounds

Postlude – Elaine Dishman  *Please stand as able  

Belinda Hazel & family | Nanette Nicks | Connie Wood                          

Ernie Warrendorf | Chris Newsome | Nancy Burback 

Ron Sparks & family | Richie Smith | Carol Saltz 

Roger Prath (Cancer) | Donnie Honea | Elnora Pounds           

Christopher Fisher | Ben & Nancy Pippin | Mack McDaniel

Gail Camus | Harvey Burns (Chemo) | Patricia Schnieder

Edna Bootin (Hospice) | Young couple experiencing infertility

Unity, Justice, and Peace for the USA 

Doris Cooper’s granddaughter, Megan & family 

Our church, our church family, and our community 

Nancy Burback’s mother, Lucy, and her sister, Joan   

1st  Week Prayer Requests: 

Family of LaVerne Breaux; Family of Glenn Camus; Sonya Byrd (Surgery); Darryl (Surgery); Wendy Dickson (Surgery);  

2ND  Week Prayer Requests: 

Craig Rupert (surgery); Kayla’s surgery; Family of LaVerne Breaux;  

Doris Cooper (Unspoken prayer); Mrs. Natalie Willie—her son-in-law recently died (Mrs. Natalie is one of our long-term LUNCH BUNCH attendees)  

Praise & Thanks:  Thankful for many in worship service today; Robert Cooper visited his parents and brought flowers from the Military Ball to put on the altar; Dixie’s son returned safely. Address for Family of Glenn Camus c/o 166 South Gate Drive Ponchatoula, LA 70454 

4th Sunday in LENT     

From his fullness, we have all received, 

GRACE upon GRACE.               John 1:16 

(Scout Sunday is on 3/17 and the Girl Scouts will take part in our 9 am Worship Service. They will earn their badge for Girl Scout Sunday. Then after service, they will sell Girl Scout cookies and can take part in the Easter Egg Hunt)            

Adult Sunday School: 3/24 @ 10am F/Hall   

Wed. Night Bible Study: 3/13, 3/20 @ 6 pm, F/Hall 

Girl Scouts meet: Tuesday, 3/12 @ 6 pm, F/Hall 

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt: Sunday, 3/17, immediately after     

9 am Worship service. Volunteers are needed. Candy donations are welcome. (No chocolate and no peanuts) 

United Women in Faith (UWF) meet: Monday, 3/18 @ 1 pm, F/Hall

(Please bring baked goods to distribute to our local 1st Responders) 

A box full of clothes

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The LUNCH BUNCH Luncheon, Wednesday, 3/20 @ 11 am F/Hall               

(Menu is posted on bulletin board in F/Hall)     

Holy Thursday Service will be on 3/28—time to be announced 

Thanks to the United Women in Faith for making lap blankets that they will be distributing soon.

Also, they will be giving baked goods to parish First Responders on the 18th. They’ve been busy doing for others in our community! 

The next meeting is Monday,3/18 @ 1 pm F/Hall